Total Human

Data source: IHME Global Burden of Disease and Global Terrorism Database
Our WorldinData.org - Research and data to make progress against the world's largest problems.

About 74% of death in the world occurs

due to non communicable diseases as heart diseases, Cancer, respiratory diseases, digestive diseases, neurological diseases, diabetes, etc. Due to advancement of medical science now it is possible to easily manage these diseases if diagnosed within time. As early detection results in reduction in cost and complexity of treatment. We offer the power, speed and accuracy of our FDA approved AI to the doctors to detect, analyse and treat these diseases effectively and in timely manner.

Difference In Diagnosis With / Without AI

Standard MRI taken in 9.1 min4img

  • Standard MRI Taken
    In 9.1 min
  • Fast MRI With Deep Learning AI Taken In 4.3 min
  • afterbefor

  • MRI Scan Without Segmentation
  • MRI Scan With Segmentation And Volumetric Analysis
  • WhatsApp Image 2024-05-24 at 11.08.09 AM (1)WhatsApp Image 2024-05-24 at 11.21.05 AM

  • Nodes On Which AI
  • + Radioligist looks

  • nodes at which only radiologist looks
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